House Rules

House Rules

Applies to: all Torpedo 7 team


It is important that we have safe, productive and law abiding workplaces and that you are fully aware of the types of behaviours we find acceptable in the workplace. The purpose of this document is to provide a guideline on standards of behaviour required of all team members. These House Rules do not specify every potential act of misbehaviour but rather establishes the standard generally accepted. Unacceptable behaviour may be considered either misconduct or serious misconduct as set out below:


Examples of misconduct after appropriate investigation may incur disciplinary action which may include a warning, final warning or dismissal on notice if you  have a pre-existing warning/s. Any of this misconduct could also be considered serious misconduct depending on the circumstances. 

1. Failure to comply with company policies, procedures and expectations including but not limited to health and safety, housekeeping, hygiene, standards of dress or quality standards (e.g. failing to use and care for personal protective equipment provided, failing to observe Standard Operating Procedures). 

2. Persistent absenteeism, lateness or poor timekeeping.

3. Failure to report personally to a designated Manager any lateness or absence before start time or as soon as practicably posisble.

4. Unauthorised absence from the work place or leaving the assigned work place without Manager approval without a valid reason.

5. Failure to carry out work duties to the best of your abilities and or failure to meet the required standards of work/performance.

6. Failure to report any accident or personal injury or damage to company property occurring at work, no matter how minor the incident. 

7. Participation in unauthorised personal recreation or activities during work hours or unauthorised non-work use of company computer facilities. 

8. Wilful waste of time or material. 

9. Discrimination of any sort. 

10. Rough-house play.

11. Posting of offensive notices or defacing Torpedo7 premises or property.

12. Any act or omission which, not being serious misconduct, impacts on your ability to carry out the functions and duties of your position, or is likely to tarnish the reputation of Torpedo 7. 

13. Any other behaviours or actions which Torpedo7 views as misconduct. 

Serious Misconduct

For a single action or behaviour that is totally unacceptable, you may be dismissed without notice for serious misconduct following a full and fair investigation. Examples of serious misconduct are listed but not limited to:

1. Dishonesty with Torpedo7, a supplier, a client, or a co-worker.

2. Falsification or being a party to falsification of any Torpedo7 records or documents, non-disclosure or falsification of information in relation to your application for employment. 

3. Falsifying records or documentation including but not limited to timesheets, wage records, expense claims, finance and accounting records, personal information, computer files etc.

4. Unlawful access, use or misuse of, or damage to vehicles, equipment, computers, files, intellectual property or any other property on Company occupied premises. 

5. Unauthorised removal or movement or possession of property not belonging to you. This includes items that have been discarded by Torpedo7. 

6. Removing cash or other funds from the till, safe or other Company premises without authorisation. 

7. Failing to ring on every product presented at the checkout including returns and/or unauthorised transactions at POS (point of sale) including price overrides, product or transaction deletions, voids or serving family or friends.

8. Destroying or misplacing cheques or credit card vouchers without authorisation. 

9. Misuse, abuse or unauthorised use of tools, vehicles, equipment, Torpedo7 property or systems.

10. Abuse of staff discounts including but not limited to unauthorised staff discount, resale of discounted purchases etc. 

11. Giving your personal employee number or password to another team member. 

12. Using another team member's password or pin number at POS or elsewhere. 

13. Signing another team member in or out at POS for attendance at work. 

14. Misrepresenting Torpedo7 for personal gain and/or unauthorised disclosure of confidential Torpedo7 information. 

15. Unauthorised possession or consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms or dangerous weapons on Company premises and/or reporting to work unfit for work due to alcohol or drugs. 

16. Serious failure to observe safety requirements including safe work practices and reporting of any injury on Company occupied premises. 

17. Failing to actively participate in an ACC rehabilitation programme. 

18. Acts of disobedience, negligence or incompetence that affects safety, quality, security, Torpedo7 property or the good conduct of the business. 

19. Failure to perform normal duties or refusal to comply with lawful and reasonable work instructions from the Manager. 

20. Serious breaches of the employment agreement and/or workplace policies.

21. Threatening or offensive behaviour towards a co-worker, client, supplier or member of the public - including but not limited to physical and verbal abuse, discriminatory, sexual or racial. 

22. Sexual or any other kind of harassment in the workplace or while representing Torpedo7. 

23. Undertaking any activity which may be considered as direct competition to Torpedo7. 

24. Deliberate acts or omissions which cause or potentially cause serious injury or damage or adversely affect safety, quality or productivity. 

25. Bringing the company into disrepute including misconduct outside working hours which seriously harms Torpedo7's trust and confidence in the team member or Torpedo7's reputation. 

26. Any other behaviours or actions which Torpedo7 views as serious misconduct. 

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