Lifestyle Leave Policy

Lifestyle Leave Policy

Applies to: all TWG team


We recognise how hard each of our team members work to help make The Warehouse Group a successful 100 year company. So TWG has come up with a really exciting offer for our teams that we hope will help you achieve some of your lifestyle balance.

You are now able to to purchase Lifestyle Leave of 5 to 10 days per year.  You can take up to 10 days leave straight away and then pay this off via deductions from your wages or salary over a 12 month period.

Imagine, you could spend more time with your family, go on that dream holiday, reduce your need for child care in the school holidays or something else exciting and fun.

Process Overview

You will need to complete the Lifestyle Leave application Form and pass this on to your Manager. Normally your application will be approved but there may be times where a Manager says no due to ineligibility or business requirements at the time of application. Once the application is approved, the Lifestyle Leave will be given to you immediately and is valid for you to take within the next 12 months. The value of the Lifestyle Leave will be deducted from your pay over the next 12 months (this will be at your current salary / hourly rate). When you take the leave it will be paid to you at the rate that you are repaying it i.e. the salary / hourly rate you were on when you applied for the leave.


What happens if I don't use all of my Lifestyle Leave up?

You should take the leave within 12 months of it being granted. If the Lifestyle Leave is not used within 12 months of purchase, it will expire and the balance will be refunded back to you. If the balance is refunded back to you, you will not be eligible to apply for Lifestyle Leave in the following year.

Carrying leave over past 12 months will only be approved by exception.

When can I apply for Lifestyle Leave?
You can apply for the Lifestyle Leave 2 times a year - once in April   and once in October each year.

How may days can I apply for with Lifestyle Leave?
You can apply for Lifestyle Leave for a minimum of 5 days and maximum of 10 days in any 12 month period.

Who is eligible to apply for Lifestyle Leave?
All permanent team members.

What other conditions are there for eligible team members?
You need to have a current leave less than 160 hours, excluding Long Service Leave.
You must have a good attendance record. This means that there must not be any concern with your punctuality or excessive sick leave use.
You must not be undergoing a Performance Improvement Plan or subject to any disciplinary action.
You have already been granted Lifestyle Leave and you then have had the balance refunded, then you will be ineligible for the following year.

When can apply for Lifestyle Leave?
You can apply for the leave 2 times a year - once in April and once in October each year.

How do I apply for Lifestyle Leave?
Complete the Lifestyle Leave Application Form and pass this to your Manager. The Manager will need to sign the from before it can be processed through the payroll system.

Will my Lifestyle Leave be approved?
If your application does not fit the eligibility criteria, or if for any other reason your Manager does not see it as appropriate to approve the additional leave, then applications do not have to be approved .

How do I pay back the leave?
You will need to pay the Lifestyle Leave back over the period of 12 months. It will be deducted for your pay in equal installments over the 12 month period.

Will I still accrue Annual Leave if I take Lifestyle Leave?
Yes, all your other entitlements are exactly the same and will not be affected.

What if I resign while still paying back Lifestyle Leave?
If you resign before the leave is taken then the unused leave will be refunded back to you.
If you resign and you have already taken the leave, you will need to repay the balance of the leave that you have loaned and it will be recovered from your final pay.

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