Managers Guide - Disciplinary Process (Adjournments)

Managers Guide - Disciplinary Process (Adjournments)

Applies to: All Torpedo7 team


Adjournments should be taken as required throughout the process: 
  • The meeting will be adjourned where necessary to consider/seek more informatoin
  • Adjournments may occur at any time during the metting and the TM can ask for adjournment if needed
  • The final consideration of the team member’s responses should require a break of at least 30 minutes, usually longer.  
  • You should have already been in contact with Ask People Support and will need to speak with the person who has been helping you to discuss the decison that you have made.
  • If the adjournment is for a long period or overnight, confirm the team member’s contact details and what time you will reconvene.
  • If there is a conflict with witness statement or reports always go back and recheck with witnesses (even if you think it is waste of time as they were so positive before). When the meeting reconvenes confirm with team member that you have done this and that there has been no change/what the changes were.
  • If misconduct or serious misconduct has been established  at this meeting, your decision may be determined by previous decisions and warnings, i.e.:

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