Managers Guide - Disciplinary Process (Conducting Meeting)

Managers Guide - Disciplinary Process (Conducting Meeting)

Applies to: All Torpedo7 team

Conducting the Meeting

1. Introduce everyone in the room and acknowledge/explain each person’s role:
  • Check that the team member received and understood the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter and any supporting documentation. Check they were able to view any camera footage
  • If there is no support person confirm check that the team member is happy to proceed and that they are aware of the ability to have a support person present. Ensure this is noted.
  • Explain the structure of the meeting and expected conduct as needed:
* That you will outline allegation and the seriousness of misconduct/serious misconduct in relation to the policies etc. that were allegedly breached
* That you will outline the most serious outcome
* The Team Member will be given opportunity to respond to allegations and provide any evidence to support their response, or ask any questions.
* You will then ask clarifying questions.
* The meeting will be adjourned where necessary to consider/seek more information. Adjournments may occur at any time during meeting and the team member can ask for                             adjournment if needed. The final adjournment may be overnight as required.
* After the final adjournment (should more than one be required), the meeting will be reconvened to allow you to deliver your findings and outcome.
* Only one person is to speak at a time. You may need to slow meeting at times for the note taker to keep up.
  • After you have gone through the prelims and the team member has had a chance to respond, ask any clarifying questions you may have if needed.
  • You then summarise the team members response and ask any clarifying/probing questions.
  • Ask the team member if they have any further information/comment/questions before the final adjournment.

During the meeting - Representative Behaviour

  • A team member’s representative has a right to speak at a disciplinary meeting. 
  • Do not tell the representative that their role is to sit there and be quiet and that they can have their say at the end.
  • It is preferable that the team member answers the questions but they can choose to let their representative do so. 
  • We can only say we would prefer to hear from the team member but can’t enforce it. It is a balancing act between controlling the meeting so it is not deliberately disrupted by a representative and denying anyone the right to speak.
  • If the representative starts to challenge aspects of the procedure eg “We don’t believe that Jane should have been suspended and we are going to challenge that”’ reply that you will take that into consideration when you make your decision. Then take an opportunity during the next adjournment to check with Ask People Support.

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