Managers Guide - Disciplinary Process (Notetaking)

Managers Guide - Disciplinary Process (Notetaking)

Applies to: All Torpedo7 team


When conducting disciplinary meetings it is important to make notes as a record of conversation. 

  • The notes can never capture every word that is spoken but there are key points to capture:
* When the manager goes through the preliminary matters - representative, allegations and possible outcome - at the start of the meeting this must be recorded.
* Start and finish times and all adjournments and restart times.
* Any explanation or comments by the team member.
* If the manager says they do not believe the team member – what was that in relation to and why?
* The preliminary decision and the response to that by the grievant and his/her representative.
* The final decision made by the manager after they have considered the response to the preliminary decision.
* Don’t write “etc” on the notes – we need to know what etc covers.

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