Managers Guide - Issuing the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter

Managers Guide - Issuing the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter

Applies to: All of Torpedo7 team

Issuing a Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter 

A Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter (as attached) is a form that advises the TM of the details of the disciplinary meeting. 

1. In conjunction with People Support, put the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter together and ensure it includes:

      The alleged Misconduct
      * Write any applicable House Rules out in full and don’t just list the number. Give full (who, what, when, who, how)  details of the alleged misconduct eg “It is alleged that you were late for work                    on 4 June 2013 arriving at 3.40pm instead of your rostered start time of 1.30pm”.
      * Near the top of the form you will see “…misconduct/serious misconduct”. Delete/cross out the one that does not apply 
      Potential Outcomes
      Write on the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter the most serious outcome:
  • Usually for misconduct this would be a First Warning or if the team member already has a First Warning it will be a Final Warning. If the team member is already on a Final Warning then the outcome could be “Dismissal with Notice”
  • Usually for serious misconduct  this would be "Dismissal without notice"

2. Once the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter is ready, you can pull the TM aside and issue the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter to them. You must give at least 24 hours notice of the meeting and include any supporting evidence e.g. CCTV, witness     statements etc.. 
   When you issue the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter explain the following to the TM:
  • What is being alleged
  • Ask them to review the supporting evidence before the meeting and come ready to provide their side of the story
  • The right to bring a support person to the meeting
  • The date and time of the meeting
  • Whether suspension is being considered
NB: Generally you would suspend a team member for matters that are serious misconduct but should this need to occur make sure you consult with the team member about the suspension before making your decision and confirming it and checking the box on the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter. Consultation involves the statement of a proposal to suspend which has not yet been finally decided upon, listening to what others have to say, considering their responses and then deciding what will be done. Consultation does not require agreement from the other party but it is more than mere prior notification and must be a genuine effort accommodate the views of the team member. You need to say something like: “I think it is best if you are suspended on full pay until this matter is resolved. This will also give you time to prepare for the meeting. Do you have any comments on the suspension? If the team member has no comments then confirm the suspension and tick the box on the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter Form. If they do comment eg “I want to stay at work because everyone will think I’m guilty”, then take time to consider what they say and then respond. You do not have to agree with what they say but  you must consider it and respond to it before confirming your decision to suspend
3. Confirm meeting availability with team member: Change the date if needed, by up to 3 days. If the team member wants to extend it further, contact the Ask People Support team for guidance as this may a delaying tactic.

If the team member tries to explain their side of the story when you issue them the Disciplinary Meeting Advice Letter, let them know that you'd like them to gather their thoughts so that it can be discussed in the meeting. 

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