Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Alcohol and Drug Policy

Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Alcohol and Drug Policy

Applies to: All Torpedo7 Team Members

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Alcohol, drug or other substance abuse will impair your ability to perform properly and will have serious adverse effect on the safety, efficiency and productivity of others.  If you appear to be impaired or you are suspected or found to be under the influence of or to have misused alcohol or drugs, you will not be allowed to work and you may face suspension and disciplinary action.

If you have been asked to cover a shift on short notice it is your responsibility to refuse the work if you have recently consumed/ingested behaviour altering drugs or alcohol or are still showing the effects of the night before. If you show up to work reeking of the night before and looking like something the dog dragged in you may face suspension and disciplinary action may be taken.

Team members who are prescribed medication are expected to ask their GP what effect the medication will have on their ability to perform the duties of their role (includes ability to operate vehicles if applicable) and report any restrictions to their Manager who will discuss alternative duties with them if required.

Rules Relating to Alcohol

  • Any alcohol consumption on Torpedo7 property must be authorised by a Manager.
  • You may not drink alcohol in a store when customers are on the premise.
  • If you drink alcohol while on company business, at a work-related function or at a work-related function outside of work hours, you will act in a reasonable, lawful and responsible manner. See further elaboration in Alcohol at Company Functions.
  • If you go for a beverage after work hours in your company uniform you continue to represent Torpedo7. Be aware that any actions which may damage Torpedo7’s reputation or bring Torpedo7 into disrepute may result in disciplinary action.

Rules Relating to Drugs

  • Appropriate use of medically prescribed and over the counter medicines is expected.
  • The possession or use of drugs (including prescription medication that has not been prescribed to you) and any illegal drug is not allowed. Personal searches may be conducted if concerns are raised around possession of drugs.
  • Manufacture, possession, selling, distribution and/or use of illegal drugs of any sort or drug paraphernalia on Torpedo7 property, in a Torpedo7 vehicle, while wearing uniform or on company business is strictly prohibited.

In Cases of Dependency

If you have a dependency problem that may affect your work, please let us know. We may offer access to appropriate counselling and allow time away from work if further treatment is required.  Any time away from work will be taken from sick or annual leave available, with unpaid leave being at the discretion of your Manager. If your work is or continues to be affected, appropriate disciplinary action may need to be taken.

Alcohol at Company Functions

You are expected to also adopt responsible behaviour when at work related functions where others are present and at events such as supplier evenings.  We expect professionalism from our team in all work related dealings with anyone at all – peers, suppliers, other team members etc. Informal and formal company functions are considered the 'workplace' and as such the provisions of this policy shall apply.

The final customer must have exited the premise before any alcohol is opened; this includes suppliers and training nights. It is not acceptable to drink alcohol with a member of the public on shop premises, regardless if the person in question brought the beverages to the shop with the express intent of sharing them with the team members. Drinking alcohol on the shop floor with customers in the building is viewed as serious misconduct and may result in disciplinary action.

Drink Driving Offences

You shall not operate a Company motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or in excess of legal alcohol limits. Conviction of a drink driving offence while driving a company vehicle is viewed as serious misconduct and may result in disciplinary action.

Support for Our Team

We care about the emotional health and wellbeing of our people. We understand that from time to time people may face major challenges that can have the potential to affect their ability to focus on and perform to the best of their abilities at work.

To help you through any challenges, we provide assistance for our team through a company called Organisational Counselling Programme (OCP). This benefit provides all our permanent team and their direct family members the services of confidential and independent professional counsellors. These counsellors are available to assist with personal problems such as alcohol abuse, violence, financial or marital. It is an anonymous self-referral system so you can call them directly to arrange a time that suits and we will pay for up to three sessions initially. If you and your counsellor feel you will benefit from more than this, they will approach us and we may provide an additional two or three sessions. OCP do not give us the names of people using their services so it remains confidential. You can find more information on the posters or pamphlets provided in your work area or check out their website You can call them directly on free phone: 0800 377 990.

We can provide paid time off to attend up to three sessions, which you will need to arrange with your Manager, although you do not have to tell them the nature of the issue. Alternatively you can arrange to see them in your own time.


Legislation now exists which makes it illegal to smoke in enclosed public spaces. Smoking is only permitted in allocated smoking areas and during break times. Torpedo7 stores are a smoke free work place and smoking is not permitted in any store areas including team member tearooms, washrooms and toilets. If you must smoke, smoke well away from the building, out of your uniform, and out of customers view. You do not get ‘smoke breaks’. Be aware of residual smoke smell on your person or breath and take steps to avoid. You may be asked to go home without pay if you come to work smelling like smoke. Electronic cigarettes are included in the no smoking policy for stores and customers.