Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Be Stoked and Share the Stoke

Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Be Stoked and Share the Stoke

Applies to: All Torpedo7 Team Members


Making your store a success and a fun place to be is as much up to you as it is to anyone else. Below are some key elements we believe should be at the front of your mind when you come into work.

Choose Your Attitude

You have the power of choice when it comes to the attitude you bring to work. Your attitude not only affects you but it affects everyone who comes in contact with you. Give this some thought next time you are feeling grumpy or angry. We don’t expect you to paste on a fake grin and always being happy - that isn’t possible for everyone but be aware you do have a choice here. Don’t let things eat away at you and be robbed of joy. Grumpy bums don’t enthuse team members or customers but Stoke is contagious.

Have Fun

Make your store a fun place to be for customers and team members. React to each customer as an individual and ask yourself ‘what would bring a smile to this persons face?’
What can you do to have fun at work? Team bake off? Ride nights? Be creative.

Share the Stoke

You are not just selling goods, you are selling fun! We want our customers to walk away from our stores feeling inspired and motivated. You have the power to make their day. This can be as simple as asking the right questions to really find out what they need, or remembering what they bought last time they were in and asking how it is going for them. Every moment you are at work you have the possibility to make a positive impact on someone you meet.

Be Present

Be there for the customer and give them your undivided attention. Put away your own agenda, suspend your busy thoughts and focus on the customer’s needs. Don’t just go through the motions of a sale, make them the most important thing in your life right at that moment.

Use the Sales Process

We train our team in a seven step sales process; you are expected to get to at least step three with all customers.

1. Greet the customer within ten seconds of entering the store; if you are with another customer, at least nod and smile at the new customer.
2. Open the sale with a ‘Fly By’ - engage the customer, develop rapport, ask open ended questions unrelated to business.
3. Uncover needs (transition to business) - find out what has brought the customer in store. Ask questions and listen, listen, listen.
4. Demonstrate the product - show a maximum of three items that would be suitable for the customer. Explain the items features and benefits.
5. Handle objections (if any) - Listen, acknowledge, explore, resolve.
6. Total solution / add on - discuss and confirm ‘add-ons’ as part of finding the total solution for the customer. Find additional items that go with their purchases a pump for their new bike, down wash for their new jacket?
7. Close the sale - How would you like to pay for this? Layby, cash, finance?

You are expected to reach at least step three with everyone you speak to.