Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Computer, Email, Internet Use and Electronic Media

Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Computer, Email, Internet Use and Electronic Media

Applies to: All Torpedo7 Team Members

Personal Use of Employer-Provided Facilities

Employer-provided facilities such as telephone, fax, email and internet access are all provided for business purposes. Company telephone/mobile phones or postal facilities must not be used for private purposes without prior permission from your Manager.

If you have access to a company mobile phone you are required to abide by the rules set out by the Smartphone policy. Please ask your Manager for a copy if you haven’t seen this. If, for any reason you use these items for personal use, then arrangements must be made to pay the cost price of all services used.

If you have access to Torpedo7’s computers including email and access to the internet as part of your job, you must not abuse these.

Incidental personal use of email and social media (including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter) is permissible but should be kept to a minimum, and is subject to the team member using their best efforts to ensure that:
  • It is in the team member’s own time,
  • The computers in the lunch rooms are to be used for these activities,
  • Indicates that it is a personal communication and unrelated to Torpedo7, and
  • Is not objectionable on any grounds.

If Torpedo7 believes that social media or the internet is being overused for personal use then they reserve the right to block any sites without notice for the entire business.

All internet use is monitored and any abuse such as accessing pornographic or other unsuitable material, including auction or abusing the use of social networking sites is strictly prohibited and would be considered a serious disciplinary offence which may result in dismissal.

Only software packages properly authorised and installed by Torpedo7 may be used on Torpedo7 equipment, you must therefore not load any unauthorised software onto Torpedo7 computers.

If you have a Torpedo7 email address, this is provided for responsible use on Torpedo7 business and should not be used in any other way whatsoever.

Torpedo7 provides access to the internet, voicemail and email for business purposes.  Access is intended to facilitate work-related communications between our team and clients, suppliers and information providers, as well as internally between the team.

Electronic media is not to be used for any unauthorised purposes, including:
  • The transmission of abusive, defamatory, obscene or racist communications and/or games;
  • Any act or transmission that may bring Torpedo7 into disrepute, including any defamatory or derogatory statements sent by email or posted on any social networking site;
  • The searching for, perusal and/or downloading of pornographic or other offensive material through the internet; or
  • The transmission of sensitive information about any identifiable individual where such transmission would, or would be likely to, place Torpedo7 in breach of the Privacy Act 1983.

Email is a written means of communication. Please do not transmit anything in an email that you would not be comfortable writing in a letter or memorandum or that is likely to affect Torpedo7’s reputation.

Torpedo7 reserves the right to monitor or access the use of its electronic media by team members at any time, and no team member has any right to privacy in respect of the use of or access to any such media provided by Torpedo7.

Torpedo7 reserves the right to determine the users to whom it will provide access to the internet and electronic mail services, and may revoke access at any time to anyone who misuses the system.

If you are unclear about any point in this policy it is your responsibility to discuss and clarify it with your Manager.

Any breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken, including summary dismissal in the case of any serious or persistent breaches.

Computer Security

Users should never share access with someone else by giving him or her, your password. If this does occur, then you should alert the I.T. Team, or change the password, to ensure that your computer files are not exposed to abuse. You are responsible for your own account and this means taking measures to ensure others cannot use it. Passwords are only effective if they are selected wisely; therefore your spouses’ name or your birth date are not acceptable. Passwords should always be longer than five characters and consist of both letters and numbers.

You should ensure your PC is shut down correctly and turned off when you leave the office. This ensures unauthorised persons do not have access to the network in your absence.

Physical Security of Computers and Phones

You are asked to take reasonable steps to ensure the protection of your computer and phone including damage from improper use, food and drink spillage, and good housekeeping procedures.

Software Purchases and Copyright Infringement

All software used on Torpedo7 computing systems is copyrighted. All purchases of new software must be approved by the I.T. Manager or Systems Administrator. Software must not be copied unless the relevant license agreements allow it. You will not infringe the Copyright Act 1994. If you do, you will be held personally responsible for any such infringements.

Social Media

We ask that any online communication (such as on Facebook, YouTube etc) that is directly or indirectly about Torpedo7 or TW Group abides by the confidentiality and code of ethics policies outlined in this document.

We expect that online posts (at work or otherwise) will not contain derogatory comments about our business, our customers, suppliers or their products or another team member.

Any personal information about another team member must not be released without their written consent and also any confidential information regarding the company must not be released.

Failure to meet these expectations may result in disciplinary action. If you are unsure please check with your Manager.