Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Store Policy

Navigating the Torpedo7 Group and Stores Guidebook - Store Policy

Applies to: All Torpedo7 Team Members

Team Member Appearance

Team member uniforms are required to be worn by team members at all times while you are working. The Torpedo7 team member uniform is comprised of an issued hoody and tee shirt. You are given discretion in your choice of pants/shorts, foot and headwear, within reason. See below for specifics.

You are a representative of Torpedo7 whenever you are wearing your uniform. Remember this if you are in store or out of store and act appropriately. If you come to work with no uniform on, or dress standards that do not meet our uniform guidelines below, you will be sent home, without pay, to get it.

Uniform Standards - What Does Good Look Like?

Outdoorsy, smart, clean and tidy. Hole-free, smell free, sag free. We strongly encourage you to wear brands we sell and have an amazing team purchasing programme in place to help you do so.

Uniform Summary

Freedom within framework; show your style and also abide by the uniform standards and get behind the product and brands we sell, take advantage of the great team member purchasing programme. Shower and wash your clothing; we are in the outdoors industry but not a far-flung base camp.

Returning Uniforms

Your uniform is owned by the company so if you leave us, you will need to return it before your final pay is processed. There is a $50 bond on your uniform; we can’t pay your final pay without all company property returned, including uniform.

Food and Drink

Food and drink are not allowed on the shop floor, with the exception of beverages with screw top lids.

Mobile Phones

All personal mobile phones should be left in the team member room. Calling, texting, surfing and social media are not allowed by team members on the floor. The only person who may carry a mobile phone on the floor is the Store Manager. If you have extenuating circumstances that require you to carry your phone for one day, you need to inform your Manager as to why this is before morning huddle.


Your rostered shift starts from the beginning of huddle, not when the shop opens. You are expected to be ready for the sales floor immediately after huddle; this means you need to have changed out of your commuting gear and into your uniform, put your lunch away, had your coffee, etc. and be on the floor ready for huddle.

Running late? Call your Manager as soon as you realize you are going to be held up. Don’t wait and call after your shift has started. When you are late or absent from work, you place an added burden on your team mates. Be on time, all the time.

Clock Cards

You are required to clock on and clock off for all shifts using your agent number and code. It is serious misconduct to clock anyone else on or off for any reason. Always keep your clock card password confidential for your own security.

It is not acceptable to regularly ‘forget’ to clock on or off and expect your Manager to amend your clock card. You are responsible for clocking in and out. Your Manager may edit your hours in exceptional circumstances if they are alerted on the day. If you do not fix this up before payday you will not get paid for those hours.

Your Store Manager must approve early starts and late finishes; time spent in shop outside of rostered hours may not be paid without specific pre-approval.


It is your responsibility to show up for every rostered shift and to read your roster properly. “I didn’t know I had to work” is not acceptable.

If a situation arises wherein you cannot work on a rostered day you must CALL your Manager by 8am on the day of your shift to advise them of your situation and why you cannot make your shift. Texts, a message left in the shop, or a voicemail are not accepted.

If you are too ill to speak get someone close to you (like your Mum/partner) to call on your behalf. If you are not seriously ill or incapacitated, you need to be the person calling your Manager.

During onboarding you will be given your Manager’s mobile number as well as the shop phone number please ensure you record these.

If it is the Store Manager’s day off, you need to follow the line of command down until you reach the person who is managing the floor that day.

1. Store Manager
2. Assistant Store Manager
3. Shift Supervisor, or
4. 3IC

It is your responsibility to contact the right person.

Swapping Shifts

Rosters are usually produced a month ahead of time and are set for a month at a time. Once the roster is set, if you want to swap shifts you must get this approved by your Manager. Who can take your shift needs to be considered as it is important that we maintain our team member skill mix on the shop floor.

Abandonment of Employment

If you are a full-time team member and absent from work for more than three working days without notification or prior approval, it may be deemed that you have abandoned your employment with us. In the case of a part-time team member, the period of absence is for two or more working days.

Unforeseen Store Closure and Safe Travel

We will pay wages if the shop is closed due to circumstances such as an earthquake, excessive snow, floods, a tornado strikes or the like.

If the shop is open but you cannot or chose not to travel to work, you must call your Manager and explain your situation. Advise them what the issue is and why you do not you feel it is safe to travel on the roads. If you don’t think it is safe to travel then don’t but always speak to your Manager before the shift starts to confirm your situation.

Public Holidays

All Torpedo7 Stores operate seven days a week and up to 364 days a year in some locations. Some Torpedo7 Stores run on restricted hours on some Public Holidays. Team members may be required to work on restricted days as a condition of their employment.

The following are recognised as Public Holidays and shall be observed and paid in accordance with the Holidays Act 2003 where they fall on a day that would otherwise be a working day for the employee:

Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years’ Day, 2 January, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, the birthday of the reigning Sovereign (observed on the first Monday in June), Labour Day (being the fourth Monday in October) and Provincial Anniversary Day.

Team members working on public holidays will be paid in accordance to the Holidays Act 2003.

Provincial Anniversary days will be observed on the day they fall in all provinces.

In relation to taking holidays in advance the provisions of the Holidays Act 2003 shall apply. Where leave taken in advance exceeds any holiday pay due on termination, the difference shall be deducted from your final pay.

Please note any team member hired under a casual employment agreement earn holiday pay under a pay as you go system. That is you will have added to your fortnightly pay 8% of your gross earnings as annual holiday pay.


One 10-minute paid rest break and one 30-minute unpaid meal break if the work period is more than four hours but not more than six hours.
Two 10-minute paid rest breaks and one 30-minute unpaid meal break if the work period is more than six hours but not more than eight hours.

Breaks must be approved by the Manager or Shift Supervisor for the day. Where the usual time for taking the meal break coincides with the busy period for the shop, it may be necessary to ask you that the meal break be taken at later time. If your meal break is interrupted and you are required to go back on the shop floor the meal break will be a paid meal break to compensate for the full break not being able to be taken.

You cannot act unreasonably in refusing to meet the needs of the business in these matters. This means you can’t just say you don’t care if the shop is busy and take off for lunch.


In the interests of security for the company and personnel, all team member bags, jackets, etc., may only be kept in the team member room. No one other than team members are permitted in any workshop, in any store this includes: sponsored athletes, work experience students and long standing customers. No bags are allowed in a workshop.

Torpedo7 cannot be held liable for any losses or damage to team member property left on the premises.

All sales must be recorded on the till and cash and/or eftpos voucher receipt put into the till immediately at the time of sale.

At no stage should money be taken from a customer except when standing next to the till.
A receipt must be given for each sale. Torpedo7 do not offer a ‘cash out’ option to our team or customers.

Should a search of team member property ever be required the following procedure will be followed:
  • A third party will conduct the search.
  • The team member will be present when their property is examined.
  • The team member will have the right to have a person of their choosing present.

It is expected that if a team member investigation is required; all team members participate with an open and co-operative attitude quickly and efficiently.
The policies and procedures surrounding security are designed to protect you from possible suspicion if goods go missing on our premises so please abide by them.