Smoke-free Policy

Smoke-free Policy

Applies to: all TWG team


The Warehouse Group (TWG) support the health and well being of our team and indirectly their families/whanau and our customers through strategies that support the team to be smoke-free.

This policy applies to all TWG team members, visitors, contractors and any others accessing TWG sites. It applies to all buildings including distribution centers, grounds and vehicles owned or occupied by TWG brands. It relates to all sites and vehicles 7 days a week 24 hours a day.

This policy applies to cigarettes, loose tobacco and electronic cigarettes / vaporizers.

We recognise the important role TWG plays in our local communities and we will take opportunities to participate and support those promoting the goal of a smoke-free Aotearoa by 2025 e.g. stop smoking in-store promotion for Smoke-free Day and Stoptober by smoke-free regional service providers.

The Warehouse Group is proud to be going smoke-free from 01 January 2018.  

It is your choice to smoke. We are not asking you to stop smoking. We are are asking you to stop smoking while at work and while wearing our branded uniform. We know this could be a challenge so we are ensuring access to stop smoking support at work, should you choose it.

Policy Statements

No smoking is permitted by team members inside TWG buildings, as well as in adjoining car-parks and grounds including boundary fences, gardens, entrances and steps.

TWG business functions such as seasonal expo and golf day, where uniform is worn, will be smoke-free.

All TWG vehicles are smoke-free.

No team member will be permitted to smoke publicly at any time either at work or while travelling wearing a TWG supplied uniform. Team members must conceal any reference that identifies them as TWG employees e.g. uniform must be covered by a jacket while smoking.

Team members wishing to smoke during work hours must leave the TWG premises (in their designated meal and tea breaks) and conceal identification as a TWG employee.


Do I need to stop smoking to keep my job?
No, as from 1 January 2018, if you want to smoke during work hours, you must leave the TWG premises (during your designated meal and tea breaks) and conceal your identification as a TWG employee.

Will TWG be providing any support to help team members who want to stop smoking at work?
Yes, for New Zealand based team members. Information about stop smoking services and programmes are available from your manager or online at the Ministry of Health's website
TWG will support team members who smoke to access the Ministry of Health contracted regional stop smoking organisations (RSSO) and Quit-line if they choose to stop smoking. We will also support the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) while at work and will fund up to $20 for the first year of prescription fees for team members accessing NRT.

Can I use e-cigarettes on company premises?
The new Smoke-free policy also applies to e-cigarettes and vaping. This means you will need to be off site and not identifiable as a TWG team member if you choose to use these.

Why is vaping not permitted?
The Ministry of Health is unable to recommend vaping as a safety cessation aid to stop smoking as the long-term effects on health are not known. We are following the Ministry's lead and including vaping in our smoke-free policy.

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